Parking: Gate No. 1, 2 & 3 (Cars), Gate No. 2 (Bikes & Bicycles)
Venue Info: Events | About | Map | Nearest Metro Stations :
'Jor Bagh(Yellow Line)Exit Gate-1' - Walk Direction
'Khan Market(Violet Line)'
Area: Lodhi Road Area Events
Event Description: BOOK LAUNCH & DISCUSSION | The Logic of Dreams by Madhu Tandan.
Publisher: Speaking Tiger.
What are dreams? Do we all dream? Why do we forget them? Do they mean anything? Condensing four decades of experience in collecting and interpreting dreams, the book is a primer for those confounded by the multiplicity of our chaotic dream world, and simultaneously a ready handbook for those who wish to learn to interpret their own dreams.
Related Links: Books | Talk
The Logic of Dreams by Madhu Tandan - Book Launch
Reviewed by DelhiEvents
Thursday, December 17, 2020
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