Behroopiya Entertainers presents ‘Professional Locha’ Hinglish Standup Comedy at M.L. Bhartia Auditorium, Alliance Francaise De Delhi, 72, Lodhi Estate > 8pm to 9pm on 25th July 2015
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Entry : by tickets priced at Rs. 500 & 350, Available at :
Online : BookMyShow
Offline : at the venue
Note : Suitable for 16 years old & above
Venue : M.L. Bhartia Auditorium, Alliance Francaise De Delhi, 72, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi - 110003
Landmark : Next to Annexe building of India International Centre
Venue Info : Events | About | Map | Nearest Metro Stations - 'Khan Market(Violet Line)' & 'Jor Bagh(Yellow Line)'
Area : Lodhi Road Area Events
Event Description : Behroopiya Entertainers presents ‘Professional Locha’ Hinglish Standup Comedy.
Are you stuck in a boring job?
Are you a misfit at your workplace? Are you mad at your boss for being a pain in the posterior region? If you are then buy tickets for this show! It won't help your situation, but it'll make you laugh at your screwed up life. This team of frustrated comedians will leave no profession untouched and no job untarnished! Also, the seats are really comfortable!
About the Artists :
Pratyush Chaubey is a frustrated Software Engineer from Uttar Pradesh, after winning extra ordinary level of humiliation and frustration from this world he decided to give back the same to society, so he landed up in Standup Comedy.
This world is a weird place he just speaks out the cunning plans this world is moving on.
Mayank Pandey is the winner of NDCC open mic competition held in 2014 and also Gurgaon corporate fest standup competition organised by 28 degree north and Times of India.
He has performed in various bars and auditoriums across Delhi/NCR.He talks about his school life, movies and anything to everything which he finds stupid.
Shashwat Maheshwari is a short guy who tells offensive jokes at restaurants, while people eat stupid overpriced food. In his free time, he thinks about weird stuff he'd do with the money he doesn't have.
Prakhar Pramod is a delhi based stand up comedian, who is known in the comedy circuit to have a unique style of writing and performing stand up comedy. His material is known to be provocative, sometimes clever and mostly goofy.
Cast : Prakhar Pramod, Shashwat Maheshwari, Mayank Pandey, Pratyush Chaubey
Related Events : Theatre | ComedyShows
Behroopiya Entertainers presents ‘Professional Locha’ Hinglish Standup Comedy at M.L. Bhartia Auditorium, Alliance Francaise De Delhi, 72, Lodhi Estate > 8pm to 9pm on 25th July 2015
Reviewed by DelhiEvents
Saturday, July 25, 2015
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