"To Let The World In" film screening based on the contemporary Indian art at Habitat World, India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road > 7pm on 25th August 2013
Time : 7:00 pm
Entry : Free (Seating on First-Come First-Served basis)
Note : Call 91-11-43663333 (Habitat World) to re-confirm any last minute change or cancellation of the event.
Place : Habitat World, India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Parking : Gate No. 1 to 3 (Cars), Gate No. 2 ( Bikes & Bicycles )
Venue Info : Events | About | Map | Nearest Metro Stations :
'Jor Bagh(Yellow Line)Exit Gate-1' - Walk Direction
'Khan Market(Violet Line)'
Area : Lodhi Road Area Events
Event Description : 'To Let The World In' film screening based on the contemporary Indian art.
A two-volume film project, it looks at a significant period in the history of contemporary Indian art from the early 1980s to the present day. The film features three generations of celebrated Indian artists who share recollections, reminiscences and concerns about their practice. The conversations are intimate, with interviews conducted by art historian and curator Chaitanya Sambrani and filmed by film maker Avijit Mukul Kishore, who is a regular collaborator on film and video based installation art projects. What emerges through this exercise is an invaluable document of some landmark moments in Indian art history in the last three decades. The wise and relaxed eloquence of the artists in the first volume of the film gives way to a raw edginess in the second, as they reflect on the changing contexts in art production, the intricate connections between art and political history and the age old questions regarding patronage and recognition.
To Let The World In, Volume 1 (English, Hindi and Gujarati/2012/93mins)
The film chronicles the spirit and legacy of the movement that marked the return to narrativity and figuration in Indian art. Ar t i s t s featured in the volume- Arpi ta Singh, Gulammohammed Sheikh, Vivan Sundaram, Nilima Sheikh, Nalini Malani, Sudhir Patwardhan, Ranbir Kaleka, Pushpamala N., Anita Dube and Atul Dodiya along with art critic and curator Geeta Kapur. * World premiere at Sheffield Docfest 2013. Followed by screenings at numerous festivals including Melbourne Art Festival, NGMA Mumbai, International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala & at Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge.
To Le t The Wor ld In, Volume 2 (Engl i sh and Hindi/2013/53mins)
The second volume of the film starts with the tumultuous context of art practice on the cusp of India's economic liberalisation and the re-assertion of religious fundamentalism in Indian politics. Artists featured in the volume- Anju Dodiya, Archana Hande, Benitha Perciyal, Sharmila Samant, Parvathi Nayar, Riyas Komu, Tushar Joag, Shilpa Gupta, Josh P.S., Gargi Raina, Sumakshi Singh, T.V. Santhosh, Nataraj Sharma, Anandajit Ray, Gigi Scaria, Reena Saini Kallat and Jitish Kallat.
Director : Avijit Mukul Kishore
Related Events : Arts | Talks | Films at Cultural Places | Movies | History
Entry : Free (Seating on First-Come First-Served basis)
Note : Call 91-11-43663333 (Habitat World) to re-confirm any last minute change or cancellation of the event.
Place : Habitat World, India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Parking : Gate No. 1 to 3 (Cars), Gate No. 2 ( Bikes & Bicycles )
Venue Info : Events | About | Map | Nearest Metro Stations :
'Jor Bagh(Yellow Line)Exit Gate-1' - Walk Direction
'Khan Market(Violet Line)'
Area : Lodhi Road Area Events
Event Description : 'To Let The World In' film screening based on the contemporary Indian art.
A two-volume film project, it looks at a significant period in the history of contemporary Indian art from the early 1980s to the present day. The film features three generations of celebrated Indian artists who share recollections, reminiscences and concerns about their practice. The conversations are intimate, with interviews conducted by art historian and curator Chaitanya Sambrani and filmed by film maker Avijit Mukul Kishore, who is a regular collaborator on film and video based installation art projects. What emerges through this exercise is an invaluable document of some landmark moments in Indian art history in the last three decades. The wise and relaxed eloquence of the artists in the first volume of the film gives way to a raw edginess in the second, as they reflect on the changing contexts in art production, the intricate connections between art and political history and the age old questions regarding patronage and recognition.
To Let The World In, Volume 1 (English, Hindi and Gujarati/2012/93mins)
The film chronicles the spirit and legacy of the movement that marked the return to narrativity and figuration in Indian art. Ar t i s t s featured in the volume- Arpi ta Singh, Gulammohammed Sheikh, Vivan Sundaram, Nilima Sheikh, Nalini Malani, Sudhir Patwardhan, Ranbir Kaleka, Pushpamala N., Anita Dube and Atul Dodiya along with art critic and curator Geeta Kapur. * World premiere at Sheffield Docfest 2013. Followed by screenings at numerous festivals including Melbourne Art Festival, NGMA Mumbai, International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala & at Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge.
To Le t The Wor ld In, Volume 2 (Engl i sh and Hindi/2013/53mins)
The second volume of the film starts with the tumultuous context of art practice on the cusp of India's economic liberalisation and the re-assertion of religious fundamentalism in Indian politics. Artists featured in the volume- Anju Dodiya, Archana Hande, Benitha Perciyal, Sharmila Samant, Parvathi Nayar, Riyas Komu, Tushar Joag, Shilpa Gupta, Josh P.S., Gargi Raina, Sumakshi Singh, T.V. Santhosh, Nataraj Sharma, Anandajit Ray, Gigi Scaria, Reena Saini Kallat and Jitish Kallat.
Director : Avijit Mukul Kishore
Related Events : Arts | Talks | Films at Cultural Places | Movies | History
"To Let The World In" film screening based on the contemporary Indian art at Habitat World, India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road > 7pm on 25th August 2013
Reviewed by DelhiEvents
Sunday, August 25, 2013
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