"Save Earth – I, We…& All" an exhibition of paintings by Chandana Bhattacharjee at All India Fine Arts & Craft Society (AIFACS), 1 Rafi Marg > 29th August to 4th September 2013

Time : 
29th August : 6:00 pm - Inauguration by Ms Deepa Dasmunsi, Honourable Minister (MOS), Ministry of Urban Development, GOI
The Guest of Honour will be Sri Sri Madhobi Maa, who has been carrying her crusade for past 4 decades proscribing usage of Chemicals and Prescribing Naturopathy in our day to day life. She with her practical experience will throw light on how we can eschew the imminent disaster. We are sure to receive some new approaches in her talk through her on-field knowledge.
29th August to 4th September : 11:00 am - 7:00 pm - Exhibition on View

Entry : Free

Place : All India Fine Arts & Craft Society (AIFACS), 1 Rafi Marg, New Delhi
Venue Info : About | Events | Map | Central Sectt. Metro Station (Yellow Line & Violet Line)

Event Description : “Save Earth – I, We…& All” an exhibition of paintings by Chandana Bhattacharjee.
The objective is to convey the message of “Save Earth, Save Environment & STOP Pollution”
The themes of the paintings revolves around few of innovative approaches to Save Earth. 
Every person has to proceed in life with an Ideal. The Ideal of my life is my Art, which is very dear to my heart. When I matured to realize my being a human, I felt Mother Nature from her endless storehouse, has gifted us with the unique ability to judge which other species are deprived off. With this power of judgment, humans can differentiate between Beauty and Ugliness. And taking beauty ahead, with new thoughts creates unparalleled wonders. Consequent to this is the human endeavour to manifest beauty further, while discarding malice. This is a doctrine I have learnt from my Guru Maa. This guides my artistic mind to enhance every moment into a more beautiful form with colors and brushes. 
Few months back, in an enchanting evening I was with my Spiritual Guru Sri Sri Madhobi Maa at her Ashram.  Guru Maa was discussing about the pathetic state of today’s Mother Nature. 
How The God’s have lived their mythological life on the same Earth, the erstwhile beauty of which is evident from the scriptures. Even when demons like Ravana, Kansha,  Hiranyakashyap, Hiranyaaksha etc ruled the Earth they too did not damage Mother Nature to the present extent albeit one demon named Hiranyaaksha took Goddess Earth to 
Rasaatal (Cosmic Oblivion). Thereafter only by virtue of Varaha Avatar – an incarnation of 
Lord Vishnu, Earth was restored back in the Planetary System. But even then Demons
had not done so much damage to Mother Earth as been done today by the so called advanced Scientific World. 
In the name of research and advancement, sucking out indiscreetly all the precious metals and minerals from her womb and dwelling in her core thus making her devoid of all essentials to support us, the obvious result of which we experience is pollution. We are setting up big industries but then we are also poisoning Mother Nature – Atmosphere, Water, Earth and its Vegetation with Industrial effluence. With the use of machinery and chemicals, we are today coercing Mother Nature to the verge of becoming senseless. Her capacity to create and regenerate is almost at its end. That is why The Beholder is praying to her Children for Salvation. This dilapidated state of Mother Nature is clearly sounding a warning of catastrophe and if these atrocities do not stop, the writing on the wall is very clear. Be ready to face Earthquakes like in Latur, Tsunami, Flood devastation of Uttarakhand and more. A time will come when sitting with a golden pot in hand, on the banks of dried up river we will yearn for a drop of water. Similarly sitting with a golden lamp, with a silken wick we shall yearn for fire to light it.  The severely wounded Beholder is Praying to her children to Spare her from all these agonies and let her live so that we also live. On contrary, the destruction is inevitable.
Looking at her face -mesmerized, I was trying to comprehend her words without a blink. It was very difficult for my artistic mind to imagine this ugly face of Earth. Hence with a bewildered mind I paid my obeisance on Guru Maas Lotus feet. Blessing me with her touch, she said “Chandana, you with your purity of mind and style of art, create your paintings portraying this state of Mother Nature to evoke good consciousness in all humans towards protecting Mother Earth. Spread this message all over the EARTH. Henceforth this is your duty towards your Mother Earth”. I pledged to do so with blessings from Guru Maa. Hence, this painting Exhibition is titled: SAVE EARTH – I,WE… & ALL.

About The Artist :Chandana Bhattacharjee, has been groomed in various cities and their culture because of her defense background whereby she assimilated cultural & artistic enrichment from Many Faces of Many Places within our country. Albeit initially she had exhibited her sparkling aptitude in both singing and painting, her father – a Bengali poet himself convinced her to focus on Painting. She groomed her painting skills under the tutelage of a living legend on Wash Painting Shri B N Arya ji in Lucknow. Her meticulous training in wash paintings has helped her master in other mediums also but retaining the classy touch in her work which won her lot of accolades from various art critics and lovers from different cities. She has been accredited with more than 40 shows – Solo & Group combined, exhibited nationwide.
With her two decades of dedicated devotion, she has now ensconced herself with her signature figurative style of painting quite inimitable but popular within their senior artist fraternity nationwide. Artist Chandana shares that any Social Cause viz. ChaturGoon Prakriti, Girl Child, Bhroon Hatya, Love for Nature, etc has always been the guiding themes of her painting. Even though she sends social message through her paintings, she also keeps in mind that her art work is conceptualized aesthetically to be displayed in daily life of Home and Office.
She always has maintained purity of thought and feelings with-in and honest relationship with all human beings; which have bolstered her effort for candid reflection on canvas. The enhancement of her thought process has been guided by her spiritual Guru Sri Sri Madhobi Maa who has always steered her for Magnanimity and Generosity towards Mankind. Our Maa, has always been proscribing usage of Chemicals and Prescribing Naturopathy in our day to day life

The expression of an Artist: Simplicity, Transparency of thoughts, Humane Emotions, Motherhood, Narishakti and Mother Nature has been my guiding themes. I believe in connecting with people and try to portray my work with figures and leaf personified. My colors in paintings are soft & earthy reflecting compassionate feeling within each one of us and at times appositely blended with touch of vibrant shades symbolizing sparkle of vivaciousness latent 
within. My paintings have wash technique in an improvised manner adapting to the current trend.I prefer to portray the colors of nature and innocence of child on my canvas. Many a times, I have incorporated the innocent and impartial ideas of my little daughter Dishita since I believe that where thought of the Adults concludes; the classy & unadulterated thought of a Child begins. This is very satisfying.

Related Events : Paintings & Drawing Exhibitions | Exhibitions | Environment
"Save Earth – I, We…& All" an exhibition of paintings by Chandana Bhattacharjee at All India Fine Arts & Craft Society (AIFACS), 1 Rafi Marg > 29th August to 4th September 2013 "Save Earth – I, We…& All" an exhibition of paintings by Chandana Bhattacharjee at All India Fine Arts & Craft Society (AIFACS), 1 Rafi Marg > 29th August to 4th September 2013 Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Wednesday, September 04, 2013 Rating: 5

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