Soutrik Das - Solo Art Exhibition at Experimental Art Gallery, India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road > 23rd-30th December 2012

soutrik das artworks paintings
click the image above for bigger view
Time : 
23rd December : 6:30 pm - Opening
24th to 30th December : 10:00 am - 8:00 pm - Exhibition on View

Entry : Free

Place : Experimental Art Gallery, India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Parking : Gate No. 1 to 3 ( Cars ), Gate No. 2 ( Bikes & Bicycles )
Venue Info : Events | About | Map | Nearest Metro Stations - 'Jor Bagh(Yellow Line)Exit Gate - 1' & 'Khan Market(Violet Line)'

Event Description : The Indian Habitat Centre presents "Mahabharat" a graphical interpretation & "Alone in Paradise" impressions of mauritius, Solo Art Exhibition by Soutrik Das.
An acknowledged project manager and senior architect in the international design/construction industry, architecture is Soutrik’s profession to which he has devoted his life, leading project life-cycles and designing spaces. Having said that, it is his artwork that has always been and shall always be his first and only passion. His creative work comes out of his New York City studio; he has, over the decades, developed a distinct individual style and a diverse portfolio of works. He has publicly shown his artwork several times; most significantly in Mauritius and recently at the Indian Consulate in New York.
The current exhibition is the coming to fruition of a long held desire to showcase his work in his hometown, New Delhi. This is the first step in a planned series of exhibitions in India, in multiple venues, in the next few years.
Soutrik was born in New Delhi; his first impressions were formed in the culturally dynamic ‘70s and the ‘80s. Soutrik grew up in a family that was exceptionally resonant and talented in the field of art, music and dance. His earliest memories are of a vibrant, creative family atmosphere; of the nurturing and stimuli to his imaginative faculties that he received from his family. From infancy,
Soutrik was challenged and encouraged to let his imagination soar, to observe and absorb his surroundings and to express his creative interpretations in art, photography and writing. Art was an indispensable part of his life through childhood and adolescence.
As his professional career developed and sustained the pragmatic existential requirements, it freed Soutrik to continually paint without being affected by commercial trends in fashion and taste. Soutrik remains self-taught throughout and his distinct individual style evolved from constantly experimenting, improvising and pushing boundaries in terms of depiction, techniques and styles in contemporary art. Soutrik picked up influences that appealed to him, regardless of the brahmanical purity of their pedigree or their populist worth in terms of saleability. 
Through all the knocks of a life that was interesting, but never easy, Soutrik strived to maintain his core personality to always delve below the surface; to keep questioning apparent truths and to continually test the limits of his own abilities and environment. Through the tougher years of initial adulthood, as an architect striving to make his niche in the professional world, Soutrik never let go of his art; his art was always his muse, a sanctuary and a safe harbour from the storms of professional life, a well where he would replenish his oft depleted spirit. The cumulative effect of those decades resulted in his own independence of artistic expression and a distinctive style that reflects his spontaneous approach and the raw, unschooled ardour in his passionate expression.
His profession took him to interesting, off-beat places, people and experiences all over India and later, the world - this would form the foundation of his artworks. His art is a direct distillate of his experiences; his body of work is principally metaphors and interpretations of his own experiences and reactions to people, places, and situations, reflections of his own, unguarded opinions, impressions, thoughts and dreams. Mostly they record the emotional fluctuations throughout the journey of his life. In one form or another, each of his paintings is representative of a definitive slice of his own life and experiences.
His paintings represent decades of sweat, toil, pain, joy and sleepless nights. They chart his evolution as a human being and the pure joy he has always taken in the mere fact of living.

Related Events : Paintings & Drawing Exhibitions | Exhibitions
Soutrik Das - Solo Art Exhibition at Experimental Art Gallery, India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road > 23rd-30th December 2012 Soutrik Das - Solo Art Exhibition at Experimental Art Gallery, India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road > 23rd-30th December 2012 Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Sunday, December 30, 2012 Rating: 5

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