COMEDY SHOW "The Scratch Card" A comedy night full of surprises at Monkey Bar, Plot no. 11, Local Shopping Complex, Pocket C 6 and 7, Sector C, Vasant Kunj > 8:30pm-12 midnight on 19th July 2017
Time : 8:30 pm - 12 midnight Add to Calendar 19/07/2017 20:30 20/07/2017 00:00 Asia/Kolkata COMEDY SHOW "The Scratch Card" A comedy night full of surprises Event Page : Monkey Bar, Plot no. 11, Local Shopping Complex, Pocket C 6 and 7, Sector C, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070 DD/MM/YYYY
Entry : Free (Club Rules Apply)
Venue : Monkey Bar, Plot no. 11, Local Shopping Complex, Pocket C 6 and 7, Sector C, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070
Landmark : Adjacent to Kotak Mahindra Bank and Mini Cooper Showroom
Venue Info : | Map | Nearest Metro Station - "Chhatarpur (Yellow Line)"
Event Description : COMEDY SHOW "The Scratch Card" A comedy night full of surprises
ABOUT: Try your luck at the Scratch Card on July 19th, Wednesday, 2017, 8:30 pm onwards at Monkey Bar, Delhi and surprise yourself with a night full of comedy and laughter. The first of its kind, Scratch Card is a comedy show for those who like to take a chance. The show will be like a lottery ticket, except here there is no “Bad luck, try again later” but only laughs and pleasant surprises. Take a chance and lighten up the mid-week mood with a super fun surprise.
So, put aside those blues, and come for a whole load of laughs, fun crafted cocktails and nibbles at your favourite gastro-pub. The concept of the show is simple; you head to Monkey Bar to watch a curated line up of comedians and that could be ANYBODY. It could be someone you've never seen before and it could be someone you wouldn't expect to see.
Related Links : Theatre | Comedy Shows | Nightlife
COMEDY SHOW "The Scratch Card" A comedy night full of surprises at Monkey Bar, Plot no. 11, Local Shopping Complex, Pocket C 6 and 7, Sector C, Vasant Kunj > 8:30pm-12 midnight on 19th July 2017
Reviewed by DelhiEvents
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
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