"Prayer for Peace" Group Meditation at The Thyagaraj Stadium, Shri Ganganath Marg, INA Colony > 6pm-8pm on 16th August 2015

Prayer for Peace Group Meditation Thyagaraj Stadium
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Time : 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Add to Calendar 16/08/2015 18:00 16/08/2015 20:00 Asia/Kolkata "Prayer for Peace" Group Meditation Event Page : http://www.delhievents.com/2015/08/prayer-for-peace-group-meditation-at.html The Thyagaraj Stadium, Shri Ganganath Marg, INA Colony, New Delhi DD/MM/YYYY

Entry : Free (Seating on First-Come First-Served basis)

Venue : The Thyagaraj Stadium, Shri Ganganath Marg, INA Colony, New Delhi

Venue Info : Map | Nearest Metro Station - 'INA(Yellow Line)'

Event Description : Last month, the world’s attention was turned to India as 172 nations co-sponsored Prime Minister Modi’s call to celebrate 21st June as International Yoga Day. Modi’s speech was replete with analogies, one of the most striking being the reference to tuning of instruments before a musical performance. According to him, the physical aspects of yoga form a very small part of the yogic practice where the physical body is prepared for the larger meditative aspect; meditation actually reduces stress of everyday life and helps align energies to the cosmic plan for a shift in the collective consciousness of mankind.

Following up on India’s positioning as the Yoga capital of the world, we expect many independent initiatives that will align with the larger plan coming together in their own way to paint the larger picture towards world peace.

Why does meditation by 6,000 people at Delhi’s Thyagaraj Stadium deserve attention? Surely it isn’t just the sheer numbers. The Prayer for Peace event is the start of a movement that seeks to transform the energies of the city using a simple yet powerful technique, the Meditation on the Twin Hearts, by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, founder of modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga.

This gathering is aimed at collectively blessing Planet Earth and its inhabitants with peace, love, joy and happiness. According to Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, 7 people meditating together brings down the energy of 100 meditating separately. A gathering of 6000 will be used to anchor the energy of approximately one million people. The power of collective consciousness will be experienced by all those attending. It will be like being in a waterfall of energy which can cleanse and heal each one making them purer channels to bless the Earth.

Prayer for Peace is unprecedented in bringing together a very large group of meditators in New Delhi to pray for peace, a key piece of the spiritual puzzle that mankind continues to grapple with. 

"Prayer for Peace" Group Meditation at The Thyagaraj Stadium, Shri Ganganath Marg, INA Colony > 6pm-8pm on 16th August 2015 "Prayer for Peace" Group Meditation at The Thyagaraj Stadium, Shri Ganganath Marg, INA Colony > 6pm-8pm on 16th August 2015 Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Sunday, August 16, 2015 Rating: 5

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