"The Power Of Six" an exhibition of Artworks by 6 Contemporary Artist at Creativity Art Gallery, 6, GF, Hauz Khas Village > 10:30am to 7:30pm on 1st January to 5th February 2015

Time : 10:30 am - 7:30 pm Add to Calendar 01-01-2015 10:30:00 05-02-2015 19:30:00 68 "The Power Of Six" an exhibition of Artworks by 6 Contemporary Artist Event Page : http://goo.gl/YoJGuL Creativity Art Gallery, 6, GF, Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi - 110016 DD/MM/YYYY - Exhibition on View

Entry : Free

Venue : Creativity Art Gallery, 6, GF, Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi - 110016
Venue Info : www.creativityartgallery.in | Nearest Metro Station - 'Green Park(Yellow Line)'
Area : Hauz Khas

Event Description : Creativity Art Gallery Presents "The Power Of Six" an exhibition of Artworks by 6 Contemporary Artist.

Sometimes visual inferences play a major role in defining idea or space. Context and the content are sparingly important resources to generate the identity for a certain instance or order. “The Power of six” is picked to give importance to such few tiny instances that deliberately enables us to grin a bit The count of rejoice and rejuvenation lies to the ones who observe, as it takes minutes of their important discussions.  Even in case of share it binds the public under single shade.
The term and the physical form of Power of six create a bond among the fascination and integration. The title is formed to take the metaphor of the object and forecast the idea of binding eight contemporary artists under same arena. Cuarto Shekhar Jamb says that “The world is huge and this show supplements a conceptual space of the six to stand under single shade”. The core aspect is also to notify the celebration of colors by the six.
The show will bring forward the recent collections of six contemporary artists, such as, Binoy Verghese, Chandra Bhattacharya, Farhad Hussain, George Martin PJ, Jagdish Chinthala, Tejinder Kanda. They all have set a mile stone in their creative venture and their canvases speak the true form of color and their inheritances as well. Keeping in mind the lucrative and splashy colours of Farhad and George it easily marks its reach whereas the soft and subtle uses of Chandra will relate to a sublime subtle state. dabs and dashes of Tejinder Kanda will add the tactile quality. The static yet moving expressions of Binoy Verghese will amalgamate with spontaneity of George Martin PJ delightful free strokes; these all will set cannons for the show. Moreover the exhibition will carry a tactile quality through the colorful sculptures. And to article them under a colourful shade this show is conceptualized. A sense of tactile quality will be graced by the sculptures of Jagdish Chinthala.
In terms of structure and thought process this exhibition is planned to put forward the best and fresh collection of the said artists and to create a montage of artistic diversities.  Panorama of colour will hold the shades of five painters and one sculptor with distinct features and styles. The idea of integrating all the said artists will not only create a new experiment but also will provide the beholder to perceive something fresh and new.
The same show will be highlighted at India Art Fair – 2015 and this show will be a pre-buzz for all the art lovers to avail a fragment of the great mount.

Artists :
Binoy Verghese
Chandra Bhattacharya
Farhad Hussain
George Martin PJ
Jagdish Chinthala
Tejinder Kanda

Related Events : Exhibitions
"The Power Of Six" an exhibition of Artworks by 6 Contemporary Artist at Creativity Art Gallery, 6, GF, Hauz Khas Village > 10:30am to 7:30pm on 1st January to 5th February 2015 "The Power Of Six" an exhibition of Artworks by 6 Contemporary Artist at Creativity Art Gallery, 6, GF, Hauz Khas Village > 10:30am to 7:30pm on 1st January to 5th February 2015 Reviewed by Delhi Events on Thursday, February 05, 2015 Rating: 5

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