Kriti Film Club presents "Violence Reels" screening of three films based on women's issues at KRITI, A-15, Tara Apartments, Alaknanda > 4pm to 6pm on 29th November 2014

Time : 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Add to Calendar 29-11-2014 16:00:00 29-11-2014 18:00:00 68 Kriti Film Club presents "Violence Reels" screening of three films based on women's issues Event Page : KRITI, A-15, Tara Apartments, Alaknanda, New Delhi-19 DD/MM/YYYY

Entry : Free (Seating on First-Come First-Served basis)
Note : Confirmations appreciated. You are welcome to have some chai-shai at the ecoCafe @intervals!
Phone: 26027845/ 26033088

Venue : KRITI,  A-15, Tara Apartments, Alaknanda, New Delhi-19

Event Description : Kriti Film Club presents "Violence Reels" screening of three films based on women's issues.

Schedule :

I Am Nirbhaya
I am Nirbhaya – The anger after the “Nirbhaya” rape case has diffused but not disappeared. We – women, men, feminists, activists and politicians – continue to ask questions and seek answers as to how we can end rape. This video poses some pointed questions to patriarchy, in the voices of women from the most marginalised communities. The reality looks bleak. Yet the future is hopeful, if only because women across India are beginning to be heard; their desire to govern their own lives is being acknowledged. Everywhere there are thousands of Nirbhayas rising. These are some of their stories.

India/9:30 mins/ Various languages
(From the series “India Unheard” by Video Volunteers)
Directors : Areeb Hashmi, Stalin K
Areeb Hashmi is a filmmaker with over six years’ experience in producing and directing documentaries, short films and TV commercials. In 2008 his documentary Poliomyelitis in India won him an 8000 pound scholarship by the London Film 
Academy for a Postgraduate Diploma in Filmmaking. Stalin K is a well-known documentary 
filmmaker, media trainer and human rights activist. He has won several international awards for his films. Stalin has produced 6 community radio programs, designed more than 20 rights-based campaigns and conducted over 300 trainings in filmmaking and participatory video, street theatre, radio production, and development communications. He is Managing Trustee of Video Volunteers.
Video :
Journey of Two Women
– This short film is an honest look at societal attitudes towardswomen and women’s rights in Pakistan, through casual interviews in the streets and conversations with activists, NGO heads, lawmakers and media persons. It also becomes a personal journey for the young women making the film, as their own perceptions are shaped and altered in the process.
Pakistan/15 mins/ Urdu
Directors : Risham Waseem, Rabia Arif, Ghazala Remat
Risham Waseem is a student of Film and TV at the National College of Arts in Lahore, Pakistan. She has been involved in interactive theatre since the age of 11. She aspires to be a documentary filmmaker and tackle the various social issues that prevail in Pakistan. Ghazala Remat grew up in Hunza, Pakistan (where she felt she never quite fit in), and graduated in Film and TV from the National College of Arts, where she learnt to weave stories about characters through the threads of the mind. Rabia Arif has a Master’s in Mass Media. Her film Zindagi Tamasha Bani about hijras, won an award at the Vasakh Film Festival. She has made a number of other documentaries on social issues, health dilemmas, traditional approaches and cultural preservation, all of which are available online at Maati TV, youtube, Express Tribune and Daily Motion.
(Above films from IAWRT India’s ‘OUR Lives...To Live’ seeking a JUST world! 2014)

Hai Dupatta
The stole or dupatta has long been a symbol of modesty. With the changing times and the changing face of women, this piece of cloth has given reason to both, conform and protest. The Film tries to unravel what the stole means to young people and captures moments of violation and prejudices.
India/30 mins/ Hindi
Director: Tess Joseph
Tess Jospeh is a freelance media person with experience in ideation, research and television production. She started as an Associate Producer on TV and went on to direct India’s longest running children’s programme –The Bournvita Quiz Contest. She began her tryst with films by casting for Mira Nair’s Namesake and then went on to be casting Director for Wes Anderson’s The Darjeeling Limited, Claire Mc Carthy’s ‘The Waiting City’ and, Doug Liman’s Fair Game. She has also been first assistant director on Bollywood blockbusters like Ghajini and other international films.
(in collaboration with PSBT)

Screenings followed by discussion

About the film club : Kriti Film Club is an educational and research oriented initiative of Kriti: a development research, praxis and communication team. Weoffer an independent and informal space for screening documentary films on a whole range of development, human rights &environment issues. We also serve as a borrowing & access space for documentary films. 

Web :

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Kriti Film Club presents "Violence Reels" screening of three films based on women's issues at KRITI, A-15, Tara Apartments, Alaknanda > 4pm to 6pm on 29th November 2014 Kriti Film Club presents "Violence Reels" screening of three films based on women's issues at KRITI, A-15, Tara Apartments, Alaknanda > 4pm to 6pm on 29th November 2014 Reviewed by Delhi Events on Saturday, November 29, 2014 Rating: 5

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