Delhi Karavan presents "Adl-e-Alauddin" Baithak on Life & times of Alauddin Khilji < Meeting at Hauz khas madarsa entry gate > 10am to 12:30pm on 5th October 2014
Time : 10:00 am 12:30 pm
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05-10-2014 10:00:00
05-10-2014 12:30:00
Delhi Karavan presents "Adl-e-Alauddin" Baithak on Life & times of Alauddin Khilji
Event Page :
Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi 110016
Entry : Charges, Rs. 300 per person
Meeting point : Hauz khas madarsa entry gate
Event Description : Delhi Karavan presents "Adl-e-Alauddin" Baithak on Life and times of Alauddin Khilji.
"To prevent rebellion in which thousands perish, I issue such orders as I conceive to be for the good of the State, and the benefit of the people. Men are heedless, disrespectful and disobey my commands; I am then compelled to be severe to bring them into obedience. I do not know whether this is lawful or unlawful, whatever I think to be for the good of the State or suitable for the emergency that I decree." Barni quotes on Alauddin Khilji.
The Baithak shall be led by extremely talented Rana safvi, an avid history buff. Her love for Delhi , the ganga jamuni tehzeeb and the passion to share her knowledge with others knows no bound and is an extremely humble and charming persona.
Language : Hindi/Urdu
Related Links : Walks | Regular Walks | History
Entry : Charges, Rs. 300 per person
For reservation, contact : 9818278665
Venue : Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi 110016
Venue Info : Map | Nearest Metro Station - 'Green Park(Yellow Line)'
Meeting point : Hauz khas madarsa entry gate
"To prevent rebellion in which thousands perish, I issue such orders as I conceive to be for the good of the State, and the benefit of the people. Men are heedless, disrespectful and disobey my commands; I am then compelled to be severe to bring them into obedience. I do not know whether this is lawful or unlawful, whatever I think to be for the good of the State or suitable for the emergency that I decree." Barni quotes on Alauddin Khilji.
Aluaddin Khilji , the powerful second ruler of Khilji dynasty is more famous for his attacks on Chittor, rajasthan and the Rani Padmini connection. What many may not know that though untutored , Khilji, just like Emperor Akbar, was a brilliant strategist and an outstanding military commander who commanded forces in the length and breadth of Indian subcontinent. Sultan Ala-ud-din Khilji is also noted in history for being one of the few rulers in the world to have repeatedly defeated the invasions of Mongols in India.
Delhi Karavan shall gather and discuss on the life history of this powerful Sultaan, Hindostaan once had. The venue for the Baithak shall be 'Hauz e Alai' part of the Hauz Khas village , once a part of the second city "Siri" founded by Khilji now a dazzling spot in South Delhi and in our company shall be beautiful tree lined avenues of this ruined complex, the lillies, the sparrows, chirping birds and ofcourse a beautiful morning. Join us as we deliberate on a subject which as interesting and crucial part of the history of this fabulous city as its other interesting fables.
The Baithak shall be led by extremely talented Rana safvi, an avid history buff. Her love for Delhi , the ganga jamuni tehzeeb and the passion to share her knowledge with others knows no bound and is an extremely humble and charming persona.
Language : Hindi/Urdu
Delhi Karavan presents "Adl-e-Alauddin" Baithak on Life & times of Alauddin Khilji < Meeting at Hauz khas madarsa entry gate > 10am to 12:30pm on 5th October 2014
Reviewed by Delhi Events
Sunday, October 05, 2014
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