'SHE' an exhibition celebrating the power of women on the occasion of Mother's Day at Art Konsult, F 209, Lado Sarai > 11am to 7pm on 8th May to 7th June 2014

Time : 11:00 am to 7:00 pm (Monday to Saturday, Sunday- by appointment) Add to Calendar 08-05-2014 11:00:00 07-06-2014 19:00:00 68 'SHE' an exhibition celebrating the power of women on the occasion of Mother's Day Event Page : http://goo.gl/PP9RJn Art Konsult, F 209, Lado Sarai, New Delhi -110 030 DD/MM/YYYY

Entry : Free

Place : Art Konsult, F 209, Lado Sarai, New Delhi -110 030
Venue Info : artkonsult.in  | Nearest Metro Station - 'Saket(Yellow Line)'

Event Description : 'SHE' an exhibition celebrating the power of women on the occasion of Mother's Day

About the Exhibition :

"O Lord Why have you not given woman the right to conquer her destiny?
Why does she have to wait head bowed?
By the roadside, waiting with tired patience,
Hoping for a miracle in the morrow?"
                                                                                          -  Rabindranath Tagore

A woman – a mother, a daughter...  an object of desire? How much change has really occurred over the last hundred years, has it been all positive? Are we not transgressing in more ways than we progress, hiding under a clock that blurs out reality?  A woman is a person with feelings and thoughts just like other humans. As a mother, she is the one who gives birth, protects, sacrifices, cares for and is a sustainer. She is not a different species, as seen by most, a popular, prevalent, unsaid but practised sentiment. The world has fought wars for her, be it Helen of Troy or Rani Padmini or Princess Bilqees Bhaghi Soomro and yet, most are not yet over regarding the woman as an inferior genus! But then again we humans are ready to discriminate on any ground feasible, a strange tendency proving itself incurable as the centuries roll by. Despite the odds, there have been some very strong examples, those that strived hard, fought wars or made sacrifices for their kin & country. Though there always have been obstacles but they sought to fight against all impediments  epitomes of tolerance and courage. Instances of such commendable women are ample in history, women of extraordinary valour such as Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi who put the British rulers to shame with her bravery.

During Navaratri, we invoke the energy aspect of God in the form of the universal mother, commonly referred to as “Durga,” which literally means the remover of miseries of life. She is also referred to as “Devi” (goddess) or “Shakti” (energy or power).This is the power that energises the universe, its creation, preservation and destruction. In other words, you can say that God is motionless, absolutely changeless, and the Divine Mother Durga, does everything. Truly speaking, our worship of Shakti re-confirms the scientific theory that energy is imperishable. It cannot be created or destroyed. It is always there.

The idol of Goddess Durga is considered to be incomplete without the soil from a prostitute’s door steps. In ancient times in India, even courtesans held power and were considered equally respectable. 

Medieval India became the "Dark Age" for Indian women, it saw many foreign conquests resulting in a decline in women's status. Foreign conquerors like the Mughals and the British invaded India and brought with them their own culture, invasions in most cases adversely affected the condition and status of women and in some rare cases emancipated them. Women began to be treated as the sole property of the father, brother or husband and not given any choice or freedom. Initially, the men wanted to shield women folk from the barbarous invaders who picked up any woman they wanted and kept her in their "Harem". Consequently Indian women started using Purdah, (veil), their freedom also became affected. They were not allowed to move freely and this lead to the further deterioration of their status. The whole scenario resulted in changed mindset of people and they began to consider a girl as a property that was strangely enough, a liability. New evils in society emerged like Child Marriage, Sati, Jauhar and several harsh restrictions on women and a new set of rules to be followed, completely different from their male counterparts. What slowly resulted was complete objectification, of which we are unfortunately a witness even today.

The Object of Desire maybe totally Desirable but she is simply not an Object. The wound is deep and the memory is too stark to fade yet. Her first few steps have been treaded and they have not been easy...   She is set for a long struggle ahead of her, to find her place as the Ardhangini or Equal Half and emerge victorious and free, not as an exception but as a rule. It may not be easy but it shall happen. The empowered woman will always exit, in the past, in the present and in the future.

Participating Artists : Amina Kar, Anupam Sud, Balendra, Chandana Hore, Devi Prasad Roy Chowdhury, Dhiren Dev Burman, Anup Kumar Giri, Govardhan Ash, Jamini Roy, Julius Macwan, Kumar Singha, L. M. Sen, Lalu Prasad Shaw, Lee Waisler, Nabanita Guha, Nikhil Biswas, Paritosh Sen, Prankrishna Pal, Prokash Karmakar, Purna Behera, Raman Chakravarty, Shashi Rao Biradar, Sudhir Khastagir, Sushil Sen, Vinita Dasgupta

Related Events : Exhibitions | Women
'SHE' an exhibition celebrating the power of women on the occasion of Mother's Day at Art Konsult, F 209, Lado Sarai > 11am to 7pm on 8th May to 7th June 2014 'SHE' an exhibition celebrating the power of women on the occasion of Mother's Day at Art Konsult, F 209, Lado Sarai > 11am to 7pm on 8th May to 7th June 2014 Reviewed by Delhi Events on Saturday, June 07, 2014 Rating: 5

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