Urban Suburban Productions Presents 'God! I’M No Goddess' A Theatrical Celebration of Womanhood at Epicentre, Apparel House, Sector 44, Opp. Power Grid Residential Complex, Gurgaon > 7:30pm on 8th & 9th March 2014

Time : 7:30 pm

Entry : Tickets priced at Rs. 500 available at :
Offline : At the Venue

Place : Epicentre, Apparel House, Sector 44, Opp. Power Grid Residential Complex, Gurgaon
Venue Info : Events | Map | About | Nearest Metro Station - 'Huda City Centre(Yellow Line)'

Event Description : Urban Suburban Productions Presents 
‘God! I’M No Goddess’ A Theatrical Celebration of Womanhood Scripted and Directed by Vanessa OhriI and Farah Singh on The Ocassion of International Women's Day 2014

‘God! I’m No Goddess’, a theatrical celebration of womanhood by Vanessa Ohri and Farah Singh, explores the intricacies and complexities of the feminine mind. The play showcases the real inner beauty of the modern urban woman – her fears and passions, her convictions and quirks, her insecurities and her dreams. 

Scripted and designed by women for women, this production, is to be staged on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2014. The play, with a cast of 22 ( 21 women and 1 man), will speak to the heart and mind of the new age woman who is confident of her natural self.
The top notch production entails bringing together women from diverse ages and backgrounds, bound by a common love for theatre. There are 7 different playlets, each one completely different from the other, exploring various different identifiable themes.

A hilarious look at what happens when a young housewife, in pre-independence Bengal, decides to fight for her rights. 
Two women wait outside the office of the Headmistress. They have been called in because their respective sons have been misbehaving in school. As they wait, they do what women always do, they size each other up…
Cinderella and Juliet are bitter and disillusioned with men and their romantic ideals are squashed. It seems that Prince Charming was ‘not so charming’ and Romeo, well, ‘he was a Romeo alright!’ Will the new age Love Guru, Dr Punch manage to help them find the ‘happily ever after’ ending? Find out in this comical satire…
The madam of the house is away and her maid does exactly as expected…she has a party! What follows is a rib-tickling comedy where we see our world through the eyes of the domestic help!
A newly married young woman barges into the office of a lady politician and accuses her of stealing her husband. 
Find out what happens in this face-off between two very different kinds of women
A thought provoking and poignant story that travels the circle of time, about one woman, her daughter, mother and mother-in-law…

The voices of 5 women who represent a gender that is crying out for justice

Related Events : Theatre | ComedyShows | Women
Urban Suburban Productions Presents 'God! I’M No Goddess' A Theatrical Celebration of Womanhood at Epicentre, Apparel House, Sector 44, Opp. Power Grid Residential Complex, Gurgaon > 7:30pm on 8th & 9th March 2014 Urban Suburban Productions Presents 'God! I’M No Goddess' A Theatrical Celebration of Womanhood at Epicentre, Apparel House, Sector 44, Opp. Power Grid Residential Complex, Gurgaon > 7:30pm on 8th & 9th March 2014 Reviewed by Delhi Events on Sunday, March 09, 2014 Rating: 5

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