"Grand Masters of Comedy" stand-up comedy acts by Amit Tandon (Host), Nitin Rivaldo & Vasu Primlani at Mind Café, 2nd Floor, DLF Cross Point Mall, DLF Phase 4, Gurgaon > 8:30pm on 11th September 2013

Grand Masters of Comedy
Time : 8:30 pm onwards

Entry : Ticket price: Rs 250
Tele-Booking : For Bookings contact : 9873441161
write to admin@themindcafe.co.in for home delivery of tickets within Gurgaon
Note : 
18 years and above only
Unreserved seating, on first come first serve basis.

Place : Mind Café, 2nd Floor, DLF Cross Point Mall, DLF Phase 4, Gurgaon
Landmark : opposite Galleria Market
Venue Info : themindcafe.co.in | Map | Nearest Metro Stations (Yellow Line) - 'HUDA City Centre' & 'IFFCO Chowk'

Event Description : The MindCafe is proud to present "Grand Masters of Comedy" Players Unlimited.
Stand-up comedians to perform are : 
1. Nitin Rivaldo:  He is a Chemical Engineer from IIT Bombay known for creating the  Play 'Love In December'. Fresh out of Campus, he got an offer to perform on Laughter Challenge, the opportunity which he later turned down! He then started Entertainment Engineers, with a 
simple mission, to create a space for alternative comedy in India. Both in English and Hindi. 
Humor ought to have an emotionality to it. We not only want people to laugh and think, we want them to LAUGH, THINK and FEEL at the same time. T.V. was not the medium to do that. So Nitin took to the Stage performing at College Festivals, Corporate Shows. He is now 140 shows old, having perfomed at some of the Biggest College Festivals in India, IITs, NITs, IIMs their Alumini Meets and various FORTUNE 500 Companies. A Guest Speaker at various E- Cell Platforms and Marketing Conclaves. A TED Favorite with about 27 TEDx'es to his credit already. He is widely considered as the one of the most original orators and Stand Up Comic of Present times.

2. Vasu Primlani:  is a celebrated comic and has been seen on national and international media television including Google video, CBS, KCSM TV, KALW 91.7FL public radio, Delhi Doordharshan, SF Bay Guardian, SF Chronicle, KPFA, VOA and the BBC. Vasu’s stand-up comedy is based in a scintillating look at life through the environment, based on her work in the United States, inter personal relationships, seeing India through her eyes, gender politics, men vs women, climate change, politics in social context, a literary look at comedy and experiences of an immigrant bumping into the culture and laws of US.

Related Events : Nightlife | Theatre
"Grand Masters of Comedy" stand-up comedy acts by Amit Tandon (Host), Nitin Rivaldo & Vasu Primlani at Mind Café, 2nd Floor, DLF Cross Point Mall, DLF Phase 4, Gurgaon > 8:30pm on 11th September 2013 "Grand Masters of Comedy" stand-up comedy acts by Amit Tandon (Host), Nitin Rivaldo & Vasu Primlani at Mind Café, 2nd Floor, DLF Cross Point Mall, DLF Phase 4, Gurgaon > 8:30pm on 11th September 2013 Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Rating: 5

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