"The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni" screening of the film by Rania Stephan at KHOJ International Artists' Association, S-17, Khirkee Extension > 3rd to 18th August 2013
Time : 11:00 am - 7:00 pm (Saturdays closed)
Entry : Free (Seating on First-Come First-Served basis)
Event Description : Khoj International Artists’ Association in collaboration with Sharjah Art Foundation presents the Indian premiere of The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni, a film by Rania Stephan.
The film was awarded a Sharjah Biennial Prize in 2011.
The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni is an attempt to tell the story of Soad Hosni, one of Egypt’s most famous film stars who starred in eighty-two feature films between 1959 and 1991. Using the technique of filmic montage, Rania Stephan creates a moving portrait of the iconic actress, in which the rumours surrounding her life and death (she fell from a building on London’s Edgeware Road in 2001) are translated through her image as a projection of the Arab imaginary and its evolution over thirty years. According to Stefan, “The entire film is made from images and sound taken from Hosni’s films. It is built like a tragedy in three acts that ends in death. The film operates like a kind of pre-vision on the tragic destiny of this actress”.
Stephan’s film is also a celebration of popular Egyptian cinema, historically sidelined by both Arab critics and the West. “I wanted to give popular culture its credence, its value”, says Stephan.
Born in Beirut – Lebanon, Rania Stephan graduated with a degree in Cinema Studies from Latrobe University in Melbourne, Australia and a graduate degree in Cinema Studies from Paris VIII University, France. Her career in film production has been long and diverse. She has worked as a sound engineer, \camera person, editor and first assistant with renowned filmmakers including Simone Bitton (Rachel, Wall, Citizen Bishara) and Elia Suleiman (Divine Intervention). Her work ranges from creative videos to raw documentaries. The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni is her first feature film.
The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni is co-commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation. Produced by Joun Films, Co-produced by Arah Fund for Art & Culture (AFAC), The Post Office and Forward Production. With the support of CNC (Paris), FID LAB (Marseilles), Serpentine Gallery, London.
Related Events : Films at Cultural Places | Movies
Entry : Free (Seating on First-Come First-Served basis)
Place : KHOJ International Artists' Association, S-17, Khirkee Extension, New Delhi - 110017
Area : SaketEvent Description : Khoj International Artists’ Association in collaboration with Sharjah Art Foundation presents the Indian premiere of The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni, a film by Rania Stephan.
The film was awarded a Sharjah Biennial Prize in 2011.
The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni is an attempt to tell the story of Soad Hosni, one of Egypt’s most famous film stars who starred in eighty-two feature films between 1959 and 1991. Using the technique of filmic montage, Rania Stephan creates a moving portrait of the iconic actress, in which the rumours surrounding her life and death (she fell from a building on London’s Edgeware Road in 2001) are translated through her image as a projection of the Arab imaginary and its evolution over thirty years. According to Stefan, “The entire film is made from images and sound taken from Hosni’s films. It is built like a tragedy in three acts that ends in death. The film operates like a kind of pre-vision on the tragic destiny of this actress”.
Stephan’s film is also a celebration of popular Egyptian cinema, historically sidelined by both Arab critics and the West. “I wanted to give popular culture its credence, its value”, says Stephan.
Born in Beirut – Lebanon, Rania Stephan graduated with a degree in Cinema Studies from Latrobe University in Melbourne, Australia and a graduate degree in Cinema Studies from Paris VIII University, France. Her career in film production has been long and diverse. She has worked as a sound engineer, \camera person, editor and first assistant with renowned filmmakers including Simone Bitton (Rachel, Wall, Citizen Bishara) and Elia Suleiman (Divine Intervention). Her work ranges from creative videos to raw documentaries. The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni is her first feature film.
The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni is co-commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation. Produced by Joun Films, Co-produced by Arah Fund for Art & Culture (AFAC), The Post Office and Forward Production. With the support of CNC (Paris), FID LAB (Marseilles), Serpentine Gallery, London.
Related Events : Films at Cultural Places | Movies
"The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni" screening of the film by Rania Stephan at KHOJ International Artists' Association, S-17, Khirkee Extension > 3rd to 18th August 2013
Reviewed by DelhiEvents
Sunday, August 18, 2013
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