Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues (Play in Hindi) Followed by the performance by Quawwals from Nizamuddin Dargah at The Terrace, Blue Frog, The Kila, Seven Style Mile, Mehrauli > 9pm onwards on 8th January 2013

Time : 9:00 pm onwards

Entry : Tickets @ Rs. 1000 per head
For information and reservations: +91 11 30800300
Note : 18 Year and above

Place : The Terrace, Blue Frog, The Kila, Seven Style Mile, Mehrauli, New Delhi 110030
Venue Info : About | Events | Map | Nearest Metro Station - 'Saket(Yellow Line)Exit Gate-2'
Landmark : Opposite the Qutub Minar
Ph. : 91-11-3080 0300, (+)91-9953887818

Event Description : blueFROG Presents Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues (Hindi)
Followed by the performance by Quawwals from Nizamuddin Dargah at the club post the play.

About Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues(HINDI):
The Vagina Monologues is a global phenomenon and has become a brand name in India. This powerful play-an unusual blend of outrageous comedy and heart-breaking drama-tells the stories of women like you have never heard before. Ask anyone who has seen either the English or the Hindi version of The Vagina Monologues and they will tell you that this play is a must-see and transformational-a play that is exceptionally relevant in modern India.
From the Maharashtrian woman who met a man who "loved to look at her" to a Parsi woman who hasn't been "down there since 1944", this play promises to enlighten and entertain you like no other play out there right now. The piece de resistance of the evening is a medley of the Big "O". It has been truly said of Eve Ensler's masterpiece, that after watching it, no man or woman will ever be the same again! 
The Hindi version of The Vagina Monologues, translated by Ritu Bhatia & Jaydeep Sarkar, will elate, educate and entertain you in unimaginable ways. This translation reaches poetic, comedic and dramatic heights rarely seen on the Indian Stage. Ask anyone who has seen it and they will tell you that this play is a must-see and transformational- a play that is exceptionally relevant in modern India. You will laugh and cry, leaving the theatre feeling exhilarated and enthralled.
Varshaa Agnihotri
Rasika Duggal
Dilnaz Irani
Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal  
Dolly Thakore

One Billion Rising : Present at the play will be Eve Ensler as a special guest star talking about 'One Billion Rising' (her new initiative to end violence against women).

The efforts to combat and eliminate violence against women and girls have been on the rise for several decades now.
The rates of violence against women and girls have been rising too fast and precipitously!
1 out of every 3 females in the world is the survivor of some form of violence against her simply because she is a woman.
That means there are over 1 billion females in the world today who are living with violence
committed against them.

On January 14, 2013, world-renowned playwright and anti-violence activist Eve Ensler will be launching a new global movement called 1 BILLION RISING to re-energize and refocus resources and attention on the scourge of violence against women. We at POOR-BOX PRODUCTIONS (Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal & Eve Ensler), who have had a long-standing relationship with Ms. Ensler and her work, will be working towards making 1 Billion
Rising in India a huge success!
Ms. Ensler is coming to India in January (3rd – 8th) to partner with Poor-Box Productions and others to energize and activate people towards this new movement and newly focused energy on once and for all ending violence against women and girls. We are planning a series of educational, informative and fund-raising events as part of Ms. Ensler’s visit. The idea is to energize people across various strata of society from NGOs
and corporate leaders to politicians, students, the media, the legal profession and members of civil society in general.
During Ms. Ensler’s visit and over the series of events we are planning, we intend to raise funds for SNEHA (a shelter catering to survivors of violence in Dharavi) and give awards to some individual survivors of and warriors in the fight against this scourge of violence against females.
During Ms. Ensler’s visit we will also be celebrating 10 Years of THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES in India, a play which was brought here by Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal and Kaizaad Kotwal as a way of using art to start a dialogue about ending violence against women and girls. Ten years later the play has had a huge impact in this arena, and yet has so much more left to impact.
With this new movement and with our efforts and Ms. Ensler’s visit we intend to put India on the global map as a country that is going to take its role seriously when it comes to once and for all ending violence against women and girls.
ONE BILLION RISING becomes even more prescient and necessary in India given the recent series of events that have made it indubitable that India has much to do to prevent and end violence against women and girls.

Related Events : Music | Theatre | Nightlife
Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues (Play in Hindi) Followed by the performance by Quawwals from Nizamuddin Dargah at The Terrace, Blue Frog, The Kila, Seven Style Mile, Mehrauli > 9pm onwards on 8th January 2013 Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues (Play in Hindi) Followed by the performance by Quawwals from Nizamuddin Dargah at The Terrace, Blue Frog, The Kila, Seven Style Mile, Mehrauli > 9pm onwards on 8th January 2013 Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Tuesday, January 08, 2013 Rating: 5

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