"After the Rain" film screening at The Japan Foundation, 5A Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar IV > 2pm on 15th December 2012

Time : 2:00 pm

Entry : Free (Seating on First-Come First-Served basis)

Place : The Japan Foundation, 5A Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar IV, New Delhi - 110024

Event Details : 'After the Rain' film screening.
Synopsis : With the river in flood after heavy rains, a group of travelers is stranded at a small Country inn. Among them are Ihei Misawa, a poor ronin, or masterless samurai, and his wife Tayao.
As the rain continues tensions rise among the guests at the inn, and Ihei takes it upon himself to cheer everyone up by arranging for a splendid feast. He has no money however, and to pay for it goes into the local castle town and bets again the masters of the fencing dojos there. This “prize-fighting” is something at which he excels, although he tends to be somewhat clumsy ¡n his human relations, but it is also something far beneath the dignity of a man of the samurai class.
The foIIowing day he steps in to prevent a duel between two young samurai, members of the house of Shigeaki, the lord of the domain. Shigeaki is impressed with Ihei’s skill, invites him back to the castle, and offers to make him fencing master to the fief.
Ihei, who has had bad luck in his employment at other fiefs, is delighted, but the fencing masters of the castle town are not : they feel the position should go to one of them. Ihei demonstrates his fencing abilities before the assembled members of Shigeaki’s fief, but concludes by inadvertently knocking Shigeaki into his own garden pond. Shigeaki storms off in a rage.
Shigeaki’s. advisors learn of Ihei’s prize-fighting, and lhei is told he is not suitable for the position. Tayo tells Shigeaki’s chief retainer that it is more important why a man does something than what that man actually does, and the couple sets out on their interrupted joumey. Shigeaki hears of this conversation, orders his horse made ready, and leads a group of his closest retainers after lhei and his wife... .

Duration : 91 min.

Year : 1999

Directed by : Takashi Koizumi

Language : Japanese with English Subtitles

Related Events : Films at Cultural Places | Movies
"After the Rain" film screening at The Japan Foundation, 5A Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar IV > 2pm on 15th December 2012 "After the Rain" film screening at The Japan Foundation, 5A Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar IV > 2pm on 15th December 2012 Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Saturday, December 15, 2012 Rating: 5

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