Dreaming Child Productions presents "Aesop's Fables" English Play by Kids at FICCI, Federation House, 1, Tansen Marg > 7pm-8:15pm on 17th October 2015
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Entry : By tickets
Telebooking: call Sarvesh 9818015010 or mail at Sarvesh@dreamingchildproductions.com
Venue : Auditorium, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Federation House, 1, Tansen Marg, New Delhi - 110001
Venue Info : Events | About | Map | Nearest Metro Station - 'Mandi House(Blue Line)'
Area : Mandi House Area Events
Area : Mandi House Area Events
Event Description : Dreaming Child Productions presents "Aesop's Fables" English Play by Kids.
Aesop's Fables is a Children's Theater Production about a slave, Aesop who sets out to Mount Olympus to meet God Zues for seeking his freedom from his cruel master, Escallywags. On his journey, Aesop meets many animals and birds who reveal to him the lessons of life. With every lesson learnt, Aesop discovers that he is closer to gaining his freedom. This beautifully written play performed by 21 children from 4 yrs. to 8yrs., will take you on a remarkable journey of learning and laughter.
Written by Peter Tearson
Directed by Mahima Kaur
Language : English
Cast : Samaira, Aadya, Anjani, Adya, Arjun, Anya, Lavanya, Chaitanya, Ruveer, Amara, Alyza, Aashiv, Lavanya, Omaya, Saina,Vedika, Myra, Aahana,Reyansh, Dheer, Sahana
About the Organization : Dreaming Child Productions, headed by Mahima Kaur, organises workshops for balanced development for children of all age groups. The basic purpose behind these workshops is to create opportunities for children to celebrate and enjoy learning. The focus of the workshop is to increase curiosity and the spirit of questioning in each child. It is important to make children independent thinkers, learners and doers. We believe in creating learning experiences that provide each child with the strength, knowledge and wisdom to experience their highest potential.
We provide wide range workshops for different age groups. Currently we have a Toddlers Program (3-6yrs) and Personality Development Program ( 7-12 yrs)
Dreaming Child Productions presents "Aesop's Fables" English Play by Kids at FICCI, Federation House, 1, Tansen Marg > 7pm-8:15pm on 17th October 2015
Reviewed by DelhiEvents
Saturday, October 17, 2015
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