Buddh International Circuit (BIC)

Address : Buddh International Circuit (BIC), Greater Noida
Venue Info : buddhinternationalcircuit.in | Map | Nearest Metro Station - 'Sector 32 City Centre Noida(Blue Line)'

About Buddh International Circuit (BIC) : 
The purpose of BIC is to to exploring fresh, innovative ideas befitting the new age Indian, who is driven to live a fulfilling life. It is their constant endeavour to promote the spirit of sports as a lifestyle, and build world-class infrastructure to facilitate this spirit.

Their mission is to be the pioneer in promoting a 'life of sport' with their exemplary sports city vision offering more than 1,600 acres of real estate and 900 acres of sporting infrastructure.

Buddh International Circuit (BIC) Buddh International Circuit (BIC) Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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