"Tryst with the Past" A ballet Festival at Kamani Auditorium, Copernicus Marg > 7pm on 11th & 12th December 2013

Time : 7:00 pm (to be seated latest by 6.40 pm)

Entry : Free (Seating on First-Come First-Served basis)

Place : Kamani Auditorium, Copernicus Marg, Mandi House, New Delhi-110001
Venue Info : Events | About | Map | Nearest Metro Station - 'Mandi House(Blue Line)'
Area : Events at Mandi House Area

Event Description : Shovana Narayan and Naresh Kapuria Presents A ballet Festival “Tryst with the Past”.

Time has not succeeded in dulling energy levels. Instead, this quartet is now readying itself with a ballet Festival titled “Tryst with the Past”. “Tryst with the Past” will be a series where it is proposed to feature ballets that have inquired, introspected and mulled over issues, characters or events and happenings.
In this year’s Festival, two ballets namely “Jehan Ara: The enigmatic Mughal Princess” and “Kadambari: The Poet’s Muse” will be offered to the ‘rasikas’, art lovers and connoisseurs of Delhi at the Kamani Auditorium, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi-1 on 11th and 12th December, 2013 at 7 pm.Both Jehan Ara and Kadambari were intelligent women. 
While Jehan Ara was a gifted poetess, Kadambari was well versed in classical Indian literature and was the critic and sounding board for her brother-in-law, Rabindranath Tagore's literary efforts. Both wielded great power. Jehan Ara's influence could be seen in political realms. Kadambari's influence could be seen in how she became the motivation and the poet's muse who later went on to becoming a Nobel laureate.

Details of the Festival:
11th December, 2013:  “Jehan Ara: The enigmatic Mughal Princess”
12th December, 2013:  “Kadambari: The Poet’s Muse”

Quartet Team:
1.       Guru Shovana Narayan (Padmashri and SNA awardee)
2.       Naresh Kapuria (French Chevalier De' arts, Belgian Order of the Crown, Triennale Awardee and UK’s Charles Wallace Awardee)
3.       Pt Jwala Prasad (SNA awardee)
4.       R.K.Dhingra (SNA awardee)

Related Events : Dance
"Tryst with the Past" A ballet Festival at Kamani Auditorium, Copernicus Marg > 7pm on 11th & 12th December 2013 "Tryst with the Past" A ballet Festival at Kamani Auditorium, Copernicus Marg > 7pm on 11th & 12th December 2013 Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Thursday, December 12, 2013 Rating: 5

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