"Soul & Salvation" an exhibition of paintings by Dr S D Shrotriya & Chitra Singh at Triveni Kala Sangam, 205, Tansen Marg > 11am-7pm on 7th to 16th October 2013

Time : 11:00 am - 7:00 pm

Entry : Free

Place : Triveni Art Gallery, Triveni Kala Sangam, 205, Tansen Marg, Mandi House, New Delhi
Area : Mandi House Area 

Event Description : 'Soul & Salvation' an exhibition of paintings by Dr S D Shrotriya & Chitra Singh.

Landscape and abstract paintings by Dr S D Shrotriya and an art series on Lord Buddha by Chitra Singh are being displayed in the exhibition “Soul and Salvation“. Both the artist  have captured and produced beautifully the divine source of the universe on canvases.They have expressed visual images and ideas, moments in time and feelings  through the form of painting. In this series the artists have shared connotations of feelings, sensations, atmosphere, thoughts and moods repeatedly. They have a humane perspective towards their unique works.
 Dr S D Shrotriya, on one hand has mirrored the picturesque mountains of Himanchal in his landscapes in water colours with cool and soft colour scheme, which on the other hand has produced the tension filled and complicated life led by people in his abstract paintings through the twisted stones, the entangled human figures and the ever rising and falling waves with bright colour scheme .he also has passion to paint Ghat of holy city Banaras with abstract form, in Banaras ghat paintings he used geometrical forms with the balance of hot and cool colours scheme.  Along with being a prolific artist, he is also a writer and an art critic.
 The inspiration for Chitra Singh’s paintings has come from Lord Buddha’s life and the kindness, compassion, forgiveness and goodwill he showed towards humanity. Her paintings are a narration of the many stories about the Ascended Master and the Bodhisattva. Through them, the Buddha’s tranquility his magnanimity, simplicity and forgiveness can be clearly felt. At a hurried glance the colour scheme of the paintings may seem starkly contrasting yet, a balance can be felt which has been achieved through the intelligent use of various tones and texture by acrylic colours.

Related Events : PaintingsDrawingExhibits | Exhibitions 
"Soul & Salvation" an exhibition of paintings by Dr S D Shrotriya & Chitra Singh at Triveni Kala Sangam, 205, Tansen Marg > 11am-7pm on 7th to 16th October 2013 "Soul & Salvation" an exhibition of paintings by Dr S D Shrotriya & Chitra Singh at Triveni Kala Sangam, 205, Tansen Marg > 11am-7pm on 7th to 16th October 2013 Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Rating: 5

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