"Morozko (Jack Frost)" Screening of the Russian fairy tale at Russian Centre, 24, Ferozshah Road > 11:30am on 30th January 2013

Time : 11:30 am

Duration : 84 min. 

Entry : Free (Seating on First-Come First-Served basis)

Place : Russian Centre of Science & Culture (RCSC), 24, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi-110001

Event Description : RCSC jointly with Delhi schools - Screening of the Russian fairy tale "Morozko (Jack Frost)" from the series "Russian Cinema to Indian School Children" followed by the drawing competition
"Magic World of Russian Fairy Tales".
About the Movie : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Frost_(1964_film)

Director : Alexander Rou

Year : 1964

Related Events : Films at Cultural Places | Movies
"Morozko (Jack Frost)" Screening of the Russian fairy tale at Russian Centre, 24, Ferozshah Road > 11:30am on 30th January 2013 "Morozko (Jack Frost)" Screening of the Russian fairy tale at Russian Centre, 24, Ferozshah Road > 11:30am on 30th January 2013 Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Rating: 5

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