"Celestial Notations" an exhibition of paintings by Neena Singh at Lalit Kala Academy, Rabindra Bhavan, Copernicus Marg > 10th-16th December 2010

Neena Singh Artworks
Time : 
10th December : 5:00 pm - Opening
11th to 16th December : 11:00 am - 7:00 pm - Exhibition on View

Entry : Free

Place : Lalit Kala Academy, Rabindra Bhavan, Copernicus Marg, Mandi House, New Delhi-110001
Area : Mandi House Area Events
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Event Details : 'Celestial Notations' an exhibition of paintings by Neena Singh.
Artist's Comments : Celestial is concerned with the sky or with Heaven and notations denote a set of symbols representing a system of thought, hence the title.
I am fascinated with five basic elements of nature panch mahabhuta   ; not individually but in their relation in a vast expanse, how they co- exist and create a wonderful universe. At a personal level, I want to experience the expanse of universe and art offers me this opportunity. The paintings in this series comprise of luminous visual imagery of an exploding universe expressed through vibrant colors. The works are layered as if interspersed with mystical notations. In some works, forms are identifiable and in some, color and   texture is the form.
‘Celestial notations’ consists of a total twenty five works on canvas and a couple of works on canvas board.
To my mind, painting as a medium may be compared with music, even if one does not understand the technicalities one may surely enjoy it. Understanding of technicalities is not a precondition. I am very ambitious when it comes to my art. I want to reach out to as many people as I can through my paintings. I wish to connect to what is universal very primal in all of us irrespective of our differences in culture, educational background etc. Places like Jehangir Art Gallery and Lalit Kala Akademi afford me this opportunity. I had this wonderful opportunity at Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai where visitors from all walks of life walk in to look at art displayed there in, it’s such an amazing experience to have such diverse set of  people getting to see your works and connecting to it. Most of the times,  they don’t even know what happens to them when they look and experience art  and they are candid enough to say that they don’t understand art and can’t express in words what they feel. I totally connect to that experience as the most intense experiences are in a space where words cannot enter. Whenever viewers experience and receive my art in such way I know that I have succeeded as an artist.

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"Celestial Notations" an exhibition of paintings by Neena Singh at Lalit Kala Academy, Rabindra Bhavan, Copernicus Marg > 10th-16th December 2010 "Celestial Notations" an exhibition of paintings by Neena Singh at Lalit Kala Academy, Rabindra Bhavan, Copernicus Marg > 10th-16th December 2010 Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Thursday, December 16, 2010 Rating: 5

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