'unManifesto 10+1: Tipping Point of our Democracy' discussions, conversations, arguments, music & lots of fun! at Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, Circular Road, Chanakyapuri > 3pm to 8pm on 28th March 2014

Time : 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Duration : 5 hours

Entry : Free (Seating on First-Come First-Served basis)

Place : Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, Circular Road, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110021
Venue Info : www.vykonline.org | Map | Nearest Metro Station - 'Race Course(Yellow Line)'
Area : Chanakyapuri Events

Event Description : unManifesto 10+1: Tipping Point of our Democracy

20 States, 2 Union Territories | 1 Lakh Young People Reached On-ground| 14.5 Lakh Youth Participated through Online Platforms
70000 Promises Collected | Engaged with Diverse Youth Voices| more than 45 Politicians Involved...

The unManifesto journey has been incredible for everyone involved and even for those who weren’t directly a part of it.

The much awaited moment of the Lok Sabha elections of 2014 is here. The dates have been announced, the manifestos are going to be presented and candidates are going to be declared. The speculation of past months will now come to an end. While the country is  gearing up to face the splash of media regarding whose going to be next Prime Minister. The unManifesto journey is moving beyond by hosting a manifesto watch by inviting politicians to engage in youth manifesto which consists of top 10 + 1 promises. 
Over the past year, the unManifesto journey has engaged in process of formulating a manifesto that has been made by, for and about the youth, which is the largest constituency in India, to claim democracy.

It is this journey that we are celebrating by channelling the enthusiasm, effort and excitement of the youth and the 45 partners who have made this journey possible and productive. So let’s come together, celebrate and party with a political excitement of changing the nation where youth has said it all.

This grand finale event of unManifesto journey will engage the participants in the manifesto watch by comparing, collating, evaluating and arguing about the manifestoes of different national political parties. This will throw up the gap that exists between different party manifestos and that of the unManifesto and will facilitate greater learning and leadership of the democratic processes. This extensive and keen watch will surface which party has made an attempt to make their manifesto youth centred. Isn’t it exciting? We will be in midst of power and contestation, like never before.

We invite you to unManifesto 10+1: Tipping Point of Our Democracy– the most exciting “political” party where there will be discussions, conversations, arguments, music and lots of fun!
Let’s unparty this democracy! 

Organization : Commutiny – The Youth Collective (CYC) was set up in 2008 by a team of independent professionals and organizations to promote and protect the rights of young people for participation, development and leadership. For more details visit: www.commutiny.in

Related Events : Talks
'unManifesto 10+1: Tipping Point of our Democracy' discussions, conversations, arguments, music & lots of fun! at Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, Circular Road, Chanakyapuri > 3pm to 8pm on 28th March 2014 'unManifesto 10+1: Tipping Point of our Democracy' discussions, conversations, arguments, music & lots of fun! at Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, Circular Road, Chanakyapuri > 3pm to 8pm on 28th March 2014 Reviewed by Delhi Events on Friday, March 28, 2014 Rating: 5

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