Lightcube presents films of French Director Alain Resnais at The Attic, 36, Regal Building, CP > 6pm on 11th December 2012

Time : 6:00 pm

Entry : To become a Lightcube Film Society Member! Contact : Suraj Prasad / 7838340196 or email us at : 

Place : The Attic, 36, Regal Building, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001
Landmark : On Parliament Street close to 'The Shop' showroom & next to the 'Kwality' restaurant
Metro : Nearest Metro Station - 'Rajiv Chowk' (Yellow Line and Blue Line)

Event Details : Lightcube presents films of French Director Alain Resnais. Two films to be screened are as follows : 

Toula la Memoire du Monde(1956) / Alain Resnais / 21’
This one prefaces Resnais subsequent work, memory and what forms appear in it. The consistently brilliant touch of this is that he visualizes memory by means of cinema, a space which the camera can literally explore.
Here he stumbles upon a fitting metaphor for the mind, the National Library of France. We see how knowledge is routinely amassed and categorized there, how people daily wade through so much information which then is merely stored away for future reference. What looks frightening to me is not that what is infinite and beyond words is believed that it can fit into shelves, but the megalomania behind the enterprise, the belief that among these shelves the secrets of the universe may be unlocked one day.
But what is stored away there is merely thought or the objects of it. Our civilization destroyed by some imaginary catastrophe, how will an alien visiting the ruins of this library know how we experienced through our eyes a gust of wind or a sunset?

Last Year at Marienbad (1961) / Alain Resnais / 94’
The title of Dali's best known work is an apt description of this film. A man meets a woman at a European spa and tries to convince her (and himself) that they met one year ago. While the plot is simple, its presentation is not. I first saw L'annee derniere a Marienbad while taking a French Film class in college. Of the dozen or so films we watched,
Marienbad has stayed with me the longest. The nameless protagonist's memories repeat, sometimes minutely changed, sometimes not. The same organ motifs echo again and again, all against the backdrop of elegant hallways and sitting rooms. Through all this, the man attempts to spirit the woman away from her husband/companion, while at the same time establish once and for all what happened last year and what did not.

About Alain Resnais :

ABOUT Lightcube : 
Lightcube is an agency devoted to revising film screening habits and to devise new methods and techniques to disseminate culture beyond its mainstream-specified boundaries and metropolitan nature. The agency also believes that it is imperative that films are programmed that are beyond the currently fashionable, venues are chosen that are outside of the large auditoria or seminar halls and old world methods of audience-film interaction such as panel discussions, program notes and post-film discussions are reinstated, while also including innovative new methods such as video criticism, video installations and exhibitions to present a more wholesome view of the film or the director at hand.

It is also the belief of Lightcube that cinema or culture belongs to everyone and is too powerful a force for select circles to contain within their own boundaries – as such, in times of rampant proliferation of the new media in this century,
Lightcube aims to show films in an imagined, vast, open, quickly-evolving and mobilized land – this is fulfilled by its participation in the organisation/creation of a number of cinema projects, exercises in which a film projector and some great films are carried to different parts in the country, and then screened for local audiences.

Related Events : Films at Cultural Places | Movies
Lightcube presents films of French Director Alain Resnais at The Attic, 36, Regal Building, CP > 6pm on 11th December 2012 Lightcube presents films of French Director Alain Resnais at The Attic, 36, Regal Building, CP > 6pm on 11th December 2012 Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 Rating: 5

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